Cost of Repairing Or Replacing Your Car Door Lock

car door lock
Publish at Oct 28, 2021 By: Dustin Fernandez
Post View: 2149

When repairing your car door lock, there are many things to consider. Only one of which is the cost. However, this is typically the main concern of the majority of people. This is understandable as we all have to watch our wallets and make sure repair costs don’t exceed our budget.

But, what is important is to realize that your time and sanity are also costs that should be considered. That being said, we implore you to consider all of the costs when getting your car door lock repaired. 

Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

It is no secret that the initial cost of DIY repairs is often considerably lower than other options. This, however, does not make the overall cost of doing it yourself cheaper. This is because there are several things to consider when determining the cost of any DIY project. The monetary price can vary greatly depending on where you purchase your parts and if they are available to buy freely. Some parts can only be purchased at the dealership, which most definitely increases your cost. 

Once you have your parts, quite a few variables can exponentially increase your overall cost. Monetarily you may need to purchase the proper tools to complete the repair. Also, if any mistakes happen, this will raise your cost to correct. Beyond the financial side, DIY can take a serious toll on your time and mood.

The process can be stressful if you have to research everything on your own, taking a long time. Add to this the potential for mistakes to happen due to a lack of experience and knowledge, and this could be a very costly choice indeed. 

It is important to consider all of your costs when choosing this option. Make sure you do your research thoroughly and feel comfortable with the repairs you are doing to limit the stress and frustration of a DIY project. If you feel in over your head at any point, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional to assist you. It is better to get it done right the first time with the help of a professional than if you have to get it fixed later. 

Hire Locksmith

ASAP Locksmith

When considering the costs of your time and brainpower, the most affordable option will, in most cases, be a locksmith. They are also always cheaper than going to your dealership. Any reputable auto locksmith can repair or replace your car door lock with minimal stress for you. They are trained and experienced in fixing this problem, so it will be faster than doing it yourself. 

Another benefit of calling a locksmith for assistance is that they can help you where you are to help you. This is especially helpful if you are stranded. Make sure when choosing a locksmith that they are licensed and reputable. You do not want to choose the cheapest option because often cheaper means a lower standard of work. It is best to pay a little more, in the beginning, to make sure the problem is solved and won’t reoccur due to shoddy workmanship costing you more money. 

When calling a locksmith, you are mainly paying for labor costs. The parts are a minimal part of the cost, but the labor is the primary expenditure. This is because the locksmith is trained and can professionally complete the repair on time. This is usually the middle ground cost option regarding repair, with the dealership being the most expensive. 


Your final option in getting your car door locks repaired or replaced is to visit your dealership. The dealership, in most cases, will be able to repair this issue for you but will typically charge a great deal more than a locksmith would. This is because there is not much competition, so the prices are also not competitive. 

This, however, is the easiest option. You don’t need to research for a reputable professional or do the work yourself. All you need to do is take your car to the dealership. A potential problem, however, is that the dealership will not come to you. The car needs to be taken to them. Also, your car repair may not be their highest priority if other vehicles have more pressing repairs. This can take up a lot more of your valuable time.

The Bottom Line

We saved this information until the end of the article because we wanted to emphasize that cost is so much more than just the monetary cost. There are so many other variables to consider, your time, your sanity, etc. That being said, this section will cover the average ranges each option will cost you monetarily. Please keep in mind these are averages for the work to be done, not official quotes. 

How much does it cost to do it yourself?

DIY will be your cheapest option regarding monetary concerns. It, however, also has the most extensive range of cost due to the variables of where parts are purchased and if any additional tools are needed. The cost of repairing or replacing your car door lock by yourself can range between $15 and $350. The final cost will be dependent on the factors mentioned above.

How much it cost to replace or repair a car door lock when hiring a locksmith?

A locksmith will most often be the mid-priced option for repair. The price is higher than doing it yourself because a licensed and trained professional completes the repair in an efficient and timely manner. The work is also guaranteed, and they can assist you no matter where you are. 

The cost of hiring a locksmith to repair can fall between $75 to $220. This range is due to differences based on your local market and the price of parts. Here at ASAP Locksmith, our customers are our top priority. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if we can assist you. 

How much dealership charge to replace or repair a car door lock?

The dealership will often be the most expensive. A lack of competitive pricing and very individualized repair due to it being the dealership for your specific car brand causes the increase in cost. It is also an option that needs no research, and you just drop the car off.

It will only take some of your time and, most likely, a large chunk out of your pocketbook. The range for having the repair done at the dealership can be between $200 to $600. This will vary based on the car brand, the local market, and the cost of parts. 

Article written by: Dustin Fernandez
I am Dustin Fernandez, and I'm the owner of ASAP Locksmith in Dallas. My company is a family business, and we provide locksmith services to residential, commercial, and automotive customers. I've been in the locksmith industry since 1995 when I was just 20 years old. I started by working for another locksmith company before eventually starting my own. Over time, my father joined me as a partner in this venture, which made him proud to help his son succeed at something he loved doing!