Author: Dustin Fernandez

How Much Does it Cost To Get Your Locks Changed?
As a homeowner, one thing you need to monitor closely is your home security. The safety of your home is only as good as its locks and protections. This means that occasionally you will want to have your locks changed. This may not seem necessary if your locks are intact but think about it as […]

What To Do If Your Door Latch Is Stuck?
A stuck door latch can be a frustrating problem that no one wants to deal with or think about. However, it is essential to know how to address this if it happens to you. A stuck door latch can range from being a quick, easy fix you can do yourself to taking a bit longer […]

Cost of Repairing Or Replacing Your Car Door Lock
When repairing your car door lock, there are many things to consider. Only one of which is the cost. However, this is typically the main concern of the majority of people. This is understandable as we all have to watch our wallets and make sure repair costs don’t exceed our budget. But, what is important […]

What To Do When You Are Locked Out of Your Safe?
There is nothing more aggravating than getting locked out by your security. This is twice as worse when it is your safe you are locked out of. You were responsible and secured your valuables so that they would be safe, but now you cannot get to them! Believe us when we say we understand how […]

Why is Your Car Key Not Working?
Hopefully, this has never happened to you. You walk out to your car and try to use your key, which doesn’t work. While understandably frustrated, you start to think you don’t have time for this. Why isn’t it working?! There are several different possible reasons your car key isn’t working. This article will cover all […]

How To Fix Jammed Locks and Door Knobs
Having a jammed lock or doorknob is unfortunately all too common of an occurrence. Thankfully, though, this issue is often easily fixed without the need for a professional. However, if you find yourself overwhelmed or unsure anytime when dealing with jams, please don’t hesitate to call a locksmith. They can provide you with excellent service […]

What is the Cost of Duplicating Car Keys?
If you have ever been on the wrong side of a car lockout situation, you know how important it is to have more than one car key. If you haven't yet found yourself in this situation, count yourself lucky because it happens more often than most of us would like to admit. It is better […]

5 Tips For Avoiding Being Locked Out of House
We all get locked out of our houses sometimes, and it's never a pleasant situation, especially for people who need to be at work in the morning and need to call a locksmith. One way around this problem is to make sure you always have your keys and lock them in the door when you […]

How To Open a Car Door That Won't Open From The Inside or Outside
If you have been locked out of your car, that is frustrating enough, but what do you do if the car door will not open from the inside or outside? There are several varied reasons this could happen, and, in most cases, you will need the assistance of a locksmith or mechanic. There are a […]

What To Do If Your Car Key Won't Turn in The Ignition
Have you ever been in a rush to get somewhere, and you stick your key in the ignition, and it won't turn? If so, you know this is a very upsetting situation, and you may start to panic due to your need to get somewhere fast. While this is completely understandable, panic won't help you […]